Data management/Multiple response questions

Data management techniques, especially in survey analysis do not end with data file preparation. As will be seen in under Exploration & description considerable skills in data management and data handling techniques are required in setting up data in appropriate formats for analysis. It is appropriate, however, to introduce the handling of multiple response questions here.

Multiple response questions can result in series of variables coded as 1 or 0, when just ticks or yes/no responses are required for a series of items in a list (see, for example Question 4 in CS11Quest2), or as 1, 2, 3 etc when a series of items is ranked (e.g. Question 8 CS11Quest1).

In contrast, single response questions can result in a simple yes/no or 0/1 answer (e.g. Question 7 in CS11Quest1). Selection of one item from a list of alternatives (e.g. Question 6 in CS11Quest2) also results in a single code to define the selected item. This can be an integer 1, 2, 3 etc corresponding to the position of the item in the list.